DecentralizedDecentralization, an aspect of blockchain technology, facilitates power or authority distribution among individuals, groups, or institutions. A decentralized structure allows... applications run on peer-to-peer networks. Decentralized applications typically rely on a blockchainAs a distributed ledger technology (DLT), a blockchain is a digital ledger that can create an immutable record of transactions.... consensusConsensus allows a distributed system such as a blockchain to function as a decentralized peer-to-peer system without the need to... to finalize transactions, eliminating centralizedAn organizational structure wherein a small handful of actors have control over the entire network. Centralized in the context of... points of failure (i.e., rogue bankers or failed servers). EthereumEthereum is a decentralized global open-source platform. The goal is to create a world computer where anyone can build and... is a popular platform for developers that can store various types of information. It is viable for games, applications, and tools.
See [Merriam-Webster]