A digital signature is a cryptographic mechanism designed to provide proof of authority and authenticity in electronic form. In blockchainAs a distributed ledger technology (DLT), a blockchain is a digital ledger that can create an immutable record of transactions.... technology, digital signatures provide a way to prove ownershipEvery transaction and block on a blockchain has an owner. An owner is any entity (person, group, or organization) with... and play an essential role in transactionA transaction is a record of an event that occurred in the past. Transactions typically occur during the course of... security. A signer generates a digital signature using a private keyA private key is a cryptographic number that allows individuals to sign transactions and create new receiving addresses for their..., known only to the signer, and a public keyA public key is a cryptographic key used to encrypt data. Any party can use a public key to encrypt..., known to all parties involved in the transaction. The signer’s public key can then verify the signature. The verification process ensures the address of origin is that of the signer and transaction integrity is uncompromised.