A public blockchainAs a distributed ledger technology (DLT), a blockchain is a digital ledger that can create an immutable record of transactions.... Read More is a digital ledgerA digital ledger is an online record of transactions. The digital ledger tracks financial or other data. Read More that is transparent, decentralizedDecentralization, an aspect of blockchain technology, facilitates power or authority distribution among individuals, groups, or institutions. A decentralized structure allows... Read More, and secure. Public blockchains allow anyone to join, view and verify transactions without a central authorityA central authority is an entity that holds centralized control over something, such as a financial exchange, asset, or transaction.... Read More. A public blockchain such as the Bitcoin blockchainThe Bitcoin blockchain is a shared public ledger that records all bitcoin transactions. It is constantly growing as "completed" blocks... Read More is free and available to the public. Public blockchains adhere to the original Bitcoin protocolThe Bitcoin protocol is the underlying set of rules governing the operation of the Bitcoin network. These rules define new... Read More ethos of not having anyone’s authority overwritten by a central authority. Public blockchains have no single point of failure and are resistant to censorship and foreign interference.