Wallets are a digital storage facility for digital currencyA digital currency is a medium of monetary exchange that only exists in electronic form and has no physical counterpart. Read More. A wallets can exist as a software program on a computer (desktop wallet), mobile device (mobile wallet), an online platform (web wallet), or a physical device such as a USB (hardware walletA hardware wallet is a digital currency wallet that stores the user's private keys in a secure hardware device. A... Read More) or paper (paper walletA paper wallet stores a blockchain-based cryptocurrency's private key and public address on paper. Paper wallets are an offline storage... Read More). Wallets enable users to send and receive digital currency. Wallets specific to cryptocurrencyCryptocurrency is decentralized digital currency secured by cryptography. Cryptocurrency utilizes cryptographic protocols to record ownership and prevent counterfeits (when ownership... Read More are cryptocurrency wallets.