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Cryptocurrency Wallet

    A cryptocurrency wallet is a physical or electronic device that stores a user’s private and public keys. These keys provide access to a user’s cryptocurrency stored on the blockchain. Unlike traditional wallets used in everyday life, cryptocurrency wallets do not contain funds. Cryptocurrency wallets serve as a means to access funds on the blockchain.
    A cryptocurrency wallet may be digital or non-digital in nature. Digital wallets include software wallets (desktop, mobile, web) and hardware wallets (USB or an external hard drive). Non-digital wallets are paper wallets and brain wallets.
    Cryptocurrency wallets classify as either hot or cold depending on how they operate. Hot wallets are convenient because they provide instant access to send and receive cryptocurrencies. Cold wallets offer added security. Hot wallets store private keys on an Internet-connected device. Cold wallets store private keys offline on a computer or digital device; because private keys are generated and stored without an internet connection, cold wallets are highly resistant to cyber-attack.
    Cryptocurrency wallets are essential for sending and receiving cryptocurrency. Blockchain addresses facilitate cryptocurrency transactions on the blockchain. Every cryptocurrency wallet has at least two blockchain addresses, each with its own private and public key pair. These addresses identify a particular user or entity on the blockchain.
    Private keys create digital signatures and verify transactions to authorize the transfer of funds from one account to another. Public keys generate wallet addresses that can accept payments. Members of the network can use the public key to verify the legitimacy of signed transactions.
